Theories, Approaches, and Methods in English Language Teaching: Neurodiversity in the English Language Classroom (summer 2024)
Recent Developments in English Language Teaching: Corpora in the English Language Classroom (winter 2023/2024)
Theories, Approaches, and Methods in English Language Teaching: Digital Media in the English Language Classroom (summer 2023)
Begleitseminar zum Praxissemester Gym/GemS (autumn 2024)
Advanced Perspectives in ELT - Digital Media in the English Language Classroom (spring 2024)
Begleitseminar zum Praxissemester Gym/GemS (autumn 2023)
Introduction to Linguistics
Academic Writing
And as the Frensshe booke saith... - A Course on Middle English
Barking up the Wrong Tree: An Investigation of English Idioms
Corpus Linguistics and the Description of English
English in Scotland
English Phraseology
English Usage
Historical Linguistics
"Inglan is a Bitch": The Negotiation of Pidgin English Identities in English Literature and Linguistics
Is it Culturally Sensitive to Say "Politically Correct"?
Language Contact in the History of the English Language
Making NonSense - A Course on Semantics
Text Linguistics
The Web of Words - A Course on Lexicography
Well, you know, pragmatic markers are sort of ...